Our conference, Who Runs The World, on the 12th of November 2015, was a phenomenal success.
With over 130 participants, 23 speakers including the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, academics, journalists and politicians from across the political spectrum.
If you were there and were scribbling notes, or you didn’t get a chance to join us and want the low down, below are slides from some of our workshops and key notes.
Professor Drude Dahelrup from Stockholm University and the Global Quotas Project –
Talat Yaqoob, Chair and co-founder giving the background to the campaign – Talat – welcome
Meryl Kenny, The Tech behind Quotas and busting myths – Meryl Kenny – Why Quotas work and Quota Myths
Pam Duncan – One in Five Campaign One-in-Five_Community-event_Oct-2015
Katie Ghosh – Women and New Politics, Electoral Reform Society – Women and New Politics ERS
We will update this as we get more information through.